We often walk on the ground with pebbles to help our body. When we walk on it barefoot, the pebbles will have a good massage effect on the soles of our feet and stimulate the acupuncture points on the soles of our feet. Achieve the effect of relaxing meridians and activating collaterals. Dolomite powder manufacturers
Dolomite powder manufacturers
First, the pebbles have the anti-skid effect. With the improvement of our living standards, people like to pave the pebbles in the halls they add, because the surface is smooth, but due to its small size, it is formed by many particles. The gap between the stones can just play a non-slip effect.
Second, the pebbles look very primitive, but their simple and generous appearance also sets off the beauty of nature. Compared with traditional marble, the crystal clear pebbles appear to be more in harmony with nature, reflecting a kind of classical beauty.